Summer School
The parallel computing in molecular sciences summer school is focused on educating and training a new generation of graduate students and postdocs in molecular sciences in advanced high-performance parallel computing skills on the computing architectures of today and tomorrow, exposing the next generation of science leaders to the state-of-the-art high-performance scientific computing on modern massively parallel architectures.
The summer school will consist of 3 1/2 days of lectures and hands-on exercises, with the opportunity for students to work on parallelizing and tuning their own codes.
Approximately 30 students will be admitted to the summer school, and travel awards will be available.
A major goal of the summer school will be to develop a diverse and inclusive workforce that is skilled in parallel computing.
Dates and location: August 5-8 at Stonybrook University, Long Island, NY
The Final Report from this event can be found here.