
The MolSSI has developed a vibrant set of educational resources targeting a broad spectrum of students, from undergraduates and graduates, to postdocs, to established faculty and industrial research scientists.  Through dozens of in-person workshops and webinars, the MolSSI has engaged more than 1,200 students in face-to-face instruction, and our online resources reach an average 5,000 students per month.

MolSSI’s education techniques and practices are modeled after The Software Carpentries style to teaching novice software best practices. This approach not only enhances students’ scientific capability and efficiency and also improves their marketability in various fields, including both scientific and non-scientific domains. The MolSSI promotes SWC-style lessons by combining open-classroom and cognitive-map learning. We engage large portions of the CMS community (and beyond) through demographically and geographically diverse workshops aimed at both novice and intermediate learners.

MolSSI offers a number of education workshops for students and post docs in the computational molecular sciences. These workshops cover a range of material, from basic scripting to writing programs which use MolSSI Best Practices.