Organizers: Taylor Barnes and Benjamin Pritchard (MolSSI)
Location: MolSSI Headquarters, Blacksburg, Virginia
Dates: New dates to be determined. Continue to check our website
The recent release of the MolSSI Driver Interface (MDI) represents a significant step towards enabling improved interoperability among computational molecular sciences codes. To assist developers in taking advantage of MDI’s capabilities and to gather feedback regarding the MolSSI’s current and planned interoperability efforts, we are hosting a MolSSI Driver Interface Workshop on June 8-10, 2020, at the MolSSI Headquarters in Blacksburg, VA. A primary purpose of this workshop is to provide hands-on assistance for the process of implementing an MDI-based interface, so we ask that attendees be willing and able to do some development work during and after the workshop. Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars who meet these criteria are welcome, and principal investigators are encouraged to recommend them.
Although primarily focusing on MDI, the workshop will also include presentations describing our other interoperability projects, including SEAMM, QCArchive, and QCSchema. In addition, there will be a breakout session seeking feedback regarding the QCSchema project and offering assistance to adopting the schema into your code.
The MolSSI will provide food and hotel accommodations during the workshop. We are not able to cover the travel costs of all participants, but we ask that you contact us if this expense represents a barrier to your attendance. A registration form for the workshop is available here.