The MolSSI Industrial Training Program offers a wide range of comprehensive hands-on workshops and university curricula in Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science and High-Performance Computing. With more than 5 years of experience in serving researchers and engineers across all domains of STEM, we strive to promote and lead our community best practices according to the latest technological and industrial advancements and the highest scientific standards.
In collaboration with our industrial partners, we have trained and certified a national and international community of hundreds of scientists and researchers comprised of undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs and faculty from academia, national labs and industry. Our MolSSI, Intel and NVIDIA certifications will boost your resume and give you the confidence you need for your dream job interview. Read our past trainees’ testimonials!
In order to continue our commitment and services to the community, we offer a series of our certified courses for free, mostly in major national technological and scientific events and venues such as American Chemical Society. If you are interested to make these trainings available to your employees or students, please contact us.