If you are new to computational chemistry research, check out our Getting Started in Computational Chemistry page, which has a curated list of tutorials of important topics you will need to get started in research. If you are also new to programming, check out the Python Data and Scripting workshop. This online, self-paced workshop will introduce you to […]
Our beginning programming training, the Python Data and Scripting workshop, may still have some useful resources for you. In particular, the modules about testing and version control introduce you to some best practices you might not already be using in your code. If you have mastered those concepts, you are probably ready to dive into the Best […]
At this time, MolSSI does not have resources that focus on particular software packages. We may work with our Code Community Partners to develop such resources in the future.
MolSSI Education has resources on many topics for people with a variety of experience levels. Depending on what type of work you do, the Object Oriented Programming workshop or the Parallel Programming workshop might be helpful to you. You can find all of MolSSI’s educational resources on the Resource page
MolSSI organizes summer schools, targeted workshops, high school and undergraduate training programs, and online resources and classes to provide current and future CMS students with a modern and complete set of programming skills. For more information, visit education.molssi.org