The April Python Data and Scripting Course is full. Please continue to watch our website and Twitter for future webinar series.
MolSSI is pleased to announce that we will be holding an April webinar series on our Python Data and Scripting Workshop. This workshop will be held over 4 weeks, with classes taking place each Friday in April (April 3, April 10, April 17, and April 24) from 1 PM to 4 PM EST via Zoom. This workshop series is offered at no cost to attendees.
The MolSSI Python Data and Scripting workshop is designed for students who are currently involved in, or planning to start computational chemistry research. This workshop is designed to help students develop practical programming skills that will benefit their research, and will take students through introductory programming and scripting with Python to version control and sharing their code with others. The audience for this course is students who would like to learn Python (if you have extensive Python programming experience, this course is not for you). NO prior programming experience is required to participate.
Classes will be held over Zoom, and each student should follow along with coding exercises on their laptop.
The Python Data and Scripting Course covers the following topics:
To sign up for the webinar, please fill out the registration here by April 1, 2020. Registration will be capped at 40 students.