Spedding Postdoc Fellowship, Ames National Laboratory, Ames, Iowa (7 January 2025)

Ames National Laboratory, a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) National Laboratory on the  campus of Iowa State University, delivers critical materials solutions to the nation. For over 75 years, Ames National Laboratory has successfully partnered with Iowa State University of Science and Technology to lead in the discovery, synthesis, analysis, and use of new materials, novel chemistries, and transformational analytical tools.

Ames National Laboratory seeks to award one or more Spedding Fellowships. These are prestigious postdoctoral awards for up to three years, providing an exceptional opportunity for recent Ph.D. recipients of outstanding talent and ability to pursue their own research directions in support of (and in collaboration with) our scientific objectives. Exceptional candidates focused on either basic or use-inspired research are encouraged to apply. Successful applicants are expected to participate in a collaborative, multidisciplinary team environment that aims for excellence in science. The Spedding Postdoctoral Fellowship honors Dr. Frank Spedding, Ames Laboratory’s first Director.

The Spedding Fellowship provides a continuous path to excellence, while furthering the Ames National Laboratory and U.S. Department of Energy scientific missions. Spedding Fellows work under the guidance and mentorship of Ames Laboratory senior scientists. Candidates are encouraged, but not required, to discuss their intended research proposal with potential Ames mentors with whom they would like to work. While not guaranteed, our intent is to select individuals who will qualify for permanent scientific staff positions at Ames Laboratory upon completion of the fellowship.

Applicants with an established publication record and demonstrated research skills are being sought in a variety of disciplines, including:

  • condensed matter physics / materials science,
  • chemistry / chemical engineering,
  • applied mathematics / computer science research, including machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Key areas of research include: quantum materials and quantum information systems; chemical catalysis and separations; plastic upcycling; critical materials, magnetic materials, and rare earth science; and materials for harsh conditions. These reflect the Laboratory’s strong expertise in rare earths, materials design, synthesis, and characterization; solid state nuclear magnetic resonance; computational chemistry including exascale code development and applications; condensed matter theory; and computational materials science and materials theory. There is also special interest in the development and application of artificial intelligence/machine learning techniques to accelerate scientific discovery and the transition from fundamental science to application, including high throughput experimentation and simulation. Candidates with expertise in applied mathematics, computer science, and effective and efficient utilization of high performance computing resources are similarly encouraged.

Key Selection Criteria: Interviews and selection will be based on alignment with our strategic scientific initiatives, proposed research, record of publications/presentations, demonstrated excellence in communication, and referee recommendations. Proposed start date of April 1, 2025.

Inquiries may be made to cro@ameslab.gov

Apply via THIS LINK

If you have questions regarding this application process, please email employment@iastate.edu or call 515-294-4800 or Toll Free: 1-877-477-7485.